There are no more than 22 students in primary school classes. For the middle school program, class size varies and at this point, we still have some available seats.
We recommend that you first schedule a school tour and visit a classroom to watch teachers and students in action. If interested in following the school tour, the student submits an application form with relevant documents and the non-refundable application fee of 2,000 yuan. The admission process also includes an interview with parents, classroom observation/assessment, and for middle school students, English and math testing.
• 中国境内合法居留的外籍人员子女(需提供居住证或护照);
• 浙江省内合法居留的港澳台居民子女(港澳同胞需提供护照,台湾同胞需提供台胞回乡证);
• 境外合法定居的中国公民子女(需提供绿卡或具备同等效力的证明文件)。
What is the admission test like? Is there a paper test or just an oral test?
Primary-year program: there is reading diagnostic test, class observation and an interview with parents is required.
Middle-year program: you can expect a diagnostic test, classroom performance observation, and interview with parents.
No. Instead of national education registration, they will need a transcript, recommendation letters from teachers, a personal statement, and standardized examination results.