Grade 2
My Health: Body and Mind
During the Who, We Are unit of inquiry, our students learned about making choices to lead a healthy lifestyle. Through asking questions and researching both individually and in groups, students discovered being healthy involved taking care of the mind. We took the opportunity to invite Ms. Claire, our school counselor, into the class, to help students develop a deeper understanding of maintaining whole-body health.
A Balanced Meal
The students inquired into healthy and unhealthy foods, learning about the five food groups. They used this learning to create a balanced meal. This knowledge was further developed using transdisciplinary learning and teaching. In Math, students worked in pairs and used the balanced meal they had created to investigate their meals’ calorie content. They took this further by comparing and contrasting their findings.
Principled Team Workers
Our students have been learning the importance of being principled and effective communicators. They established that this means being honest, respectful, and assuming responsibility for their choices and actions while practicing talking and listening skills. They have been using these qualities when completing group activities in our weekly center classes. The center activities have so far focused on reading, writing, phonics, and a UOI focus. Grade 2 students came together to practice their ability to be principled and communicators in a new setting. G2A students become group mentors to G2B students when helping them complete a human body poster. The students asked and answers questions and offered suggestions and guidance on how to achieve the project best.
Feelings and Emotions
Our Unit of Inquiry led us to become in touch with and more aware of our emotions. Students chose to investigate how feelings can influence overall health. They researched and practiced different methods to manage their senses, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. They then came up with three strategies they can use when feeling angry or too excited. Our students identified that have not been able to control these feelings too often may not be healthy for them.
IB Learner Profile Traits at Home
Risk-takers embrace new challenges and opportunities to learn. Encourage our students to try new things and be enthusiastic about the progress made. To develop risk-takers, we need to create a positive and constructive environment that focuses on using mistakes and failures as learning and reflection opportunities. Encourage your child to try something new, accept a challenge, and embrace any errors they may make along the way.
Silent Reading
Students have been working hard to dedicate 20 minutes to silent reading each day. Developing the habit of reading every day will benefit students through the entirety of their learning life. Students alternate between
reading on their iPads, making themselves comfortable on the carpet with a class library book, or listening to and following along with audiobooks that they interest them.